A downloadable game

In my understanding, the goal for this assignment is for us to understanding how the process of compile, build, link is working underneath of what we just click the button on visual studio as well as get familiar with various function on visual studio 2019. Based on the first-class lecture, I assume there are strong intentions of what JP(our teacher) wanted us to learn and hopefully this is what he intended. Aside from that what I learned that he is really really strict about late submission.

In term of my process of working on this assignment, I did it as the instruction states. Firstly, I have gone through the 3 tutorials pages he provided, and then start the actual assignment. Whenever I had stacked some type of error for more than 15 mins, I called my friends to help me solving the problem, so I just roughly take 4 to 5 houses to finish it. If I have anything to complain about the assignment then it would be that it is sometime hard to find links in the pages. For the part of setting up Mygame project as start solution, I realize (actually my friend told me) that you can just right click the solution you start from and choose “Set as start project” option instead of going through whole process. For the part of making an original shader, I was thinking adding up the sin function with doubling the angle each time to make a step function, but I was being too lazy to work on that.


As far as I know, the Graphics project need to have 10 references which is

 Asserts, Concurrency, Logging, Math, OpenGLExtensions, Platform, ScopeGuard, Time, UseOutput, Windows

Aside from what JP explained in 2nd lecture that some stuff referred in the Graphics project are not referring cpp files, I though there is another reason that there are some projects which are not required to be referenced, which is some libraries are already included in other libraries like how you do #include, so it is already chained to be referred and you don’t need to refer twice. But I don’t really have confidence with my answer. 


MyGame_.zip 161 kB

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